The chart presented corresponds to our TradingTotal Autotrader for NinjaTrader. Please, click HERE to read the Disclaimer
TradingTotal created a whole set of automated solutions for the intense trading of futures, stocks, and ETFs.
All the automated trading systems come with a complete technical management module to technically manage every taken position and all of them count with a sophisticated money management module to manage your money (capital + profits) in order to protect your principal and your earned profits during the whole trading session.
TradingTotal provides proprietary indicators for its automated trading systems for NinjaTrader.
TradingTotal also supports native Spanish and Portuguese languages
The charts presented corresponds to our TradingTotal Autotrader for NinjaTrader. Please, click HERE to read the Disclaimer
TTVS21X / TTVS21X Corporate
The robot TTVS21X and TTVS21X-XL are automated trading system that enables you to select a technical strategy or a group of technical strategies based on your own criteria and expectation.
The system provides a complete set of strategies for different types of technical scenarios as well as a set of indicators as well as a sophisticated money management module .
AutoTrader 2025
The TradingTotal AUTOTRADER 2025 trading system for NinjaTrader offers the latest automation technology for active trading of futures, stocks, ETFs, etc.
The AUTOTRADER 2025 system offers a unique set of 5 trading strategies, it also provides a set of 12 indicators and a complete educational program.
AutoTrader RK
TradingTotal offers its NEW AutoTrader RK fully automated trading system for the conservative trading of volatile instruments like NQ, CL, ES, etc.
The AutoTrader RK is a simple, only-one strategy conservative trading system taking maximum advantage of the NinjaTrader 5 Renko charting capability. The system includes TradingTotal proprietary indicators and color backgrounds.